Local singer takes to the stage for charity

LOCAL singer 'Captain Cameron' will be taking to the stage of Spring & Airbrake on Friday April 16 for a Habitat for Humanity charity gig.

A quiet man, Captain Cameron holds himself with the humble air of one used to serious thought. His lyrics are intricately crafted observations, full of depth and rich metaphor, yet they never totally hide the undercurrents of raucous banter, found in a man with a rather sharp wit.

From the quiet obscurity of Drumbeg, he found his folk legs on the rock stage with SixStarHotel, yet his own sound follows another path. His music is delicate and considered, awash with passionate crescendos and fragile phrases that convince us that he truly means what he sings. Notes of Americana and John Denver meet sombre, Irish-folk influences, yet no one element truly dominates his emotive blend of melody.

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