Three north coast schools to merge into new 1,200 pupil Coleraine campus, reports BBC

The BBC has reported that three north coast schools are to merge into a 1,200 pupil campus. Credit PixabayThe BBC has reported that three north coast schools are to merge into a 1,200 pupil campus. Credit Pixabay
The BBC has reported that three north coast schools are to merge into a 1,200 pupil campus. Credit Pixabay
A new integrated post-primary school in Coleraine has been given the go-ahead by the Department for Education, according to media reports.

The BBC reported that the green light has been given to a new 1,200-pupil school – a merger of Coleraine College, Dunluce School and North Coast Integrated College.

The broadcaster said: “A majority of respondents to a previous Education Authority (EA) consultation were opposed to it. But the merger was backed by the schools' boards of governors, Ulster University, the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) and the Controlled Schools' Support Council (CSSC).

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"The permanent secretary at the Department for Education, Dr Mark Browne, has now approved the merger of the schools in the absence of a Stormont minister. There is a possibility that the new merged school will eventually be built on Ulster University's Coleraine campus,” they added.

Northern Ireland World has contacted the Education Authority for a comment.