Former police officer in sectarian abuse against neighbours in Magherafelt

Magherafelt Courthouse.Magherafelt Courthouse.
Magherafelt Courthouse.
A former police officer who harassed his neighbours and left them in a great deal of distress, was given a six-month jail sentence suspended for three years when he appeared at Magherafelt Magistrates Court.

Brian Coulter (56), of Sandy Braes, Magherafelt, admitted harassing Robert and Barbara Kane between January 24 and February 12 last year.

District Judge Alan White said what Coulter did was terrible but he accepted that it was caused by his alcohol misuse.

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The court heard that on January 25 last year the injured parties heard loud banging at their front door and saw Coulter standing outside.

A prosecuting lawyer said when they went to the door Coulter began shouting aggressively, using explicit language which had left them shaken.

The lawyer said the next day the victims found that one of their garden ornaments had been smashed and kicked into the garden.

Counsel explained the couple later found two pages in the entry containing abusive language and allegations which left them greatly distressed.

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