Passenger pans bus depot toilets

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Translink is to brush up on its cleaning after a Lisburn passenger panned the public toilets at its Smithfield Street bus depot in the city.

The local woman, who did not want to be named, said she recently got off the bus at the depot and went to use the toilet, but was appalled by what she found.

“One of the toilets was just disgusting,” she said, “and in the other the sink was all blocked up.”

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The Lisburn woman said it presented a poor picture for visitors to the city in particular.

“With all the works that have been going on,” she said, “it’s bad enough for visitors without them having to put up with disgusting toilets at the bus station; the toilets should be checked and cleaned.”

A Translink spokesperson said: “Translink values all feedback from our passengers. We have made our maintenance department aware of the cracked sink and we will also be speaking to our cleaning contractors to ensure our passengers are provided with a high quality service.”

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