'˜Positive vision' for Stormont outlined

TUV's Ruth Wilson (second from right) lodges her nomination papers.  INCT 16-728-CONTUV's Ruth Wilson (second from right) lodges her nomination papers.  INCT 16-728-CON
TUV's Ruth Wilson (second from right) lodges her nomination papers. INCT 16-728-CON
A 'positive vision of making Stormont work' has been outlined by the Traditional Unionist Voice candiate for East Antrim.

Speaking after submitting her nomination papers, Ruth Wilson said: “People will hear many promises during the campaign. What I ask people to do is look at the record of TUV in the Assembly.

“It is one of stopping squander and waste, of campaigning for better and new services such as the Air Ambulance for Northern Ireland.

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“Others like to talk tough at election time but with TUV you know that we will resist the republican agenda throughout the next Assembly term, not just talk about doing it during the election campaign.

“But TUV has a positive vision, one of making Stormont work. We simply make the point that continuing do the same old thing and expecting different results is daft, yet that is what we have had since 1998. Stormont has failed because of how it is set up. We need more democracy. We need an opposition. We need straight talking, principled politicians, not those who bend with the wind.

“Who in the last Assembly ensured that a private member’s Bill was passed meaning that never again would terrorists hold positions as special sdvisers? TUV.

“Who in the last Assembly was the relentless exposer of waste and squander? TUV.

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“Who in the last Assembly challenged Sinn Fein on the continued existence of the IRA? TUV. Others claim that they are the people to challenge Sinn Fein when it comes to elections. However, the truth is that after the election they will be right back into government with Republicans!

“Nothing will change unless you vote for change. I appeal to people to vote for the effective voice of opposition and a party which has proven that it will deliver what it promises.”