‘Public not fooled by unionist politicking’ claims Seeley

Playing politics and distracting from the Tory onslaught won’t solve the issues, Sinn Fein’s Upper Bann Assembly candidate Catherine Seeley has said.

She said efforts to play politics and distract from ‘the ongoing British government attack on society, by unionist politicians, will not fool the general public nor will it solve the issues relating to austerity’.

Speaking at a wreath laying event to remember Lurgan man Tom Harte, executed by the Free State Government 75 years ago this week, Deputy Mayor Seeley said: “I don’t believe the general public are to be fooled by internal-unionist party politicking, or by ongoing attempts to distract from the British government’s austerity agenda here in the north.”

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She continued: “There is no doubt that we are facing challenges. These difficulties are as a direct result of decisions taken by the British government. We have been very clear that the biggest threat to the stability of the political institutions remains the ongoing Tory austerity cuts to the Executive’s budget which is impacting on our ability to deliver frontline public services. These cuts have brought poverty, disadvantage and instability impacting on those with the lowest incomes.