First News - Wow! The world's tallest dog

Zeus - Tallest Dog Living
Guinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)Zeus - Tallest Dog Living
Guinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)
Zeus - Tallest Dog Living Guinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)

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Top of the dogs

ZEUS the Great Dane has been crowned the tallest dog in the world!

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Zeus - Tallest Dog LivingGuinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)Zeus - Tallest Dog LivingGuinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)
Zeus - Tallest Dog LivingGuinness World Records 2022 (photo: shadai perez)

The giant pooch from Texas, USA, measures an impressive 1.046 metres (3ft 5.18in) – and he’s only two years old!

Zeus’ mum, Brittany Davis, said she had always wanted an American Great Dane and couldn’t believe it when her brother gave the family one as a gift. She added: “At first, we were nervous about having such a large dog, but we fell in love with him and here we are!”

Zeus shares his home with three miniature Australian shepherds, as well as a cat. His owners say he gets on particularly well with pup Zeb, despite the big height difference.