Fourths ease past ten-woman Bangor side

AFTER having not played together as a team for several weeks over the festive period, Bann Ladies Fourths where up against a Bangor Seconds side on what was going to be their last league game.

Bann were looking to end their season on a positive, and started well pressuring the Bangor side when off the ball and threatening them when on the ball with nice play involving the pace of the wings to send both Andrea Harrower and Jessica Faulkner through on goal on numerous occasions however they were unable to convert these chances.

As the game got further into the half, Bann were looking the more promising side, and the defence of Cathrine Reid, Rachel Groves, Dawn Ferguson and Laura Steven were stopping any real threats from the Bangor side.

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The first goal came from substitute Angela Cowan who sweetly placed the ball into the corner of the goal with her first touch, Bann took a deserved lead going into the half and looking the better team.

The second half started the same as the first, and after an enthusiastic half time team talk, Bann were looking to go out and give it their all in the second half.

They started well, with the midfield of Julie Pollock, Victoria Berry, Chelsea Black and Jessica Faulkner finding passes through to the strikers of Angela Cowan, Jayne Walker and Andrea Harrower who were unfortunate on several occasions.

Bangor were also looking for an equaliser at the other end, but were stopped by keeper Danielle Dickson numerous amount of times.

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It was then Bann that got the next goal with an unbelievable strike from Julie Pollock from the edge of the circle that sent the ball flying into the net, leaving the Bangor keeper shell shocked.

A few minutes later, Bangor suffered another blow, after one of their players was struck on the ankle with the ball, luckily physio Angela Cowan was there to make sure everything was fine.

Bangor therefore had to play the rest of the game with 10 players. Bann then went on and took advantage of this, and wrapped up the game with a third goal before the end of the game, with a reverse stick shot from Andrea Harrower to secure the three points for Ba